
Cherrywood Community Primary School

What is the classwork tab?

The classwork tab is where you will find all your assignments.  These may be set by your class teacher or another teacher in your year group.  

Although your assignments also appear on the Stream - the classwork tab is the dedicated location to find the assignments directly from the teachers.

Click on the Classroom tab to get started


Let's have a closer look at the classwork tab.


This is the year six page. All classes will look same. With the date as the heading and the individual learning underneath.

A This is the menu of classes where you can switch between classes. F Subjects which have been set.
B This is the current class you are viewing G The calendar, this shows work due and scheduled live sessions
C List of assignment topics H Class Google Drive - here you can view any work you have submitted.
D View the work which you need to complete I Click here to get back to the stream.
E Assignments listed by date they were set J The google directory.