Summer 2 - Managing risk
This half term we focused on how to manage risks in RSHE. We looked at risk assessments, risks when using the internet, risks in the environments that we live in and laws and rules used to keep us safe.
Summer 1 - Puberty
This half term we learnt about puberty and how bodies change with age. The children were very mature in their approach to this and spoke matter-of-factly about bodily functions and changes. We thought about body positivity and what that means. We also spoke about how our bodily changes can affect our emotions.
Spring 1- The importance of looking after the environment.
This half term we explored how we could look after the environment and what we think our responsibilities are. Oak Class discussed ways they could save energy both at school and home. Then we thought about how our shopping habits affect the environment and researched ways that we could care for others including animals.
Autumn 2 - Strengths, skills and interests.
Oak Class explored their personal qualities, self worth, strengths and skills.
First we thought about different skills required for different jobs and then we thought about whether we possessed any of those skills. We then discussed self esteem and influences on our own self-esteem. Finally we explored goals that we would like to set ourselves and set five personal goals that we would like to aim to achieve.