Spring 2 - RSHE Day—8.3.24
Our big question was—
How do we look after the people around us?
Each class had a specific question in which to focus on and explore...
Ash —What makes a good friend?
Chestnut—What is the same and what is different about us?
Elm—What is bullying?
Larch—What are families like?
Oak—How can we manage our feelings?
Pine—How can we help in an accident or an emergency?
Sycamore—What will change as we become more independent?
We had an assembly where our RSHE Ambassadors represented their findings to the rest of school.
Spring 1 - 2024
Our most recent RSHE Day was all about how we live the in the wider community.
Each Year Group answered a different question -
Ash - Who can help us?
Chestnut - What can we do with money?
Elm - What jobs do people do?
Larch - What makes a community?
Oak - How do our choices affect the environment?
Pine - What decisions can people make with money?
Sycamore - How does the media influence people?
We had an assembly where our RSHE Ambassadors presented their findings to the rest of the school.
What does our RSHE learning look like?
During our RSHE days, we are given the opportunity to work in groups to explore our key questions. Most of the day is made up with talk-based tasks where we can delve into our topics in depth. We are confident to ask lots of questions and respect our peers answers.