Welcome to Cherrywood Community Primary School from the Governing Body. Thank you for showing an interest in what we do.
The Governing Body is legally responsible for ensuring that the school is well-managed and financially sound, that it provides the best possible education to all its pupils according to their specific needs and abilities, and is a safe-place for all those who work there. The Governing Body is also responsible for ensuring that the school fulfills its safeguarding obligations. We work collaboratively with the Headteacher. Find updates on what we have done to strategically manage the school on our Chair of Governor’s Blogs.
The Governing Body carries out its role by:
The Governing Body made up of members representing parents/carers, staff, the Local Authority, and the community (through our co-opted governors). The Headteacher is also a governor. The Governing Body has delegated day to day responsibility for overseeing specific aspects of its work to named Governors grouped in Portfolio areas including:
Safeguarding – responsible for ensuring that the school’s systems, policies and procedures comply with safeguarding and child protection guidlelines and regulations and that those policies and procedures are properly implemented
Pupil Premium/Disadvantaged Pupils – responsible for monitoring the provision for pupils who attract additional funding and the impact of that funding on the outcomes for these and other disadvantaged and vulnerable pupils
Inclusion (SEND) – which monitors the provision for and outcomes of all children with special or additional educational or other needs
Finance and Personnel – concerned with approving and reviewing the school budget, and all personnel related matters (including grievances and disciplinary matters)
Property and Asset Management – concerned with the good management of the school’s premises, facilities, and equipment
RSHE – which has oversight of the curriculum provision for cultural, spiritual, moral , social and economic development of our pupils and includes provision for arts, music and drama, RE, SRE, and British Values
All Governors monitor the curriculum, especially English and Maths, and individual Governors are responsible for monitoring the curriculum provision for foundation subjects including Geography, History and Science.
The Full Governing Body meets at least twice a term; Portfolio and subject link governors meet regularly with their staff liaison to carry out monitoring. The Full Governing Body retains overall responsibility for monitoring the progress and achievement of all pupils.
Governors are appointed for periods of 4 years (renewable).
Governors engage actively in the life of the school, so will often be found attending exhibitions and assemblies, shows and special events, or helping at school fairs or on trips. We let you know what we have been doing and how this has impacted on the school either through the School Newsletters or our Chair’s Blog . We also maintain a positive working relationship with all stakeholders: parents, the wider community, the LA and other professionals. We carry out Pupil Conferencing and actively seek feedback from all stakeholders including parents and carers through our questionnaires; we are keen to get feedback from the Cherrywood school community and encourage everyone to respond to these.
More information about our current Governors; their portfolio areas and subject links and details of our attendance at meetings in the last academic year; together with the Governors’ Register of Interests can be found in this Governance page.
If you wish to contact the Governing Body please address any enquires to the Chair of Governors via the School Office. More information about governance in Hampshire schools can be found at: http://www.hants.gov.uk/educationandlearning/governors/volunteer
Betty Read
Chair of Governors