The range of physical activities is wide and the PE curriculum includes athletics, dance, games, gymnastics, swimming and outdoor education.
At Cherrywood, the children are given many opportunities to develop their interests through a planned PE programme that aims to develop knowledge, understanding, skills and above all, positive attitudes towards sport and physical activity.
There are plenty of opportunities for children to represent the school in various competitions against local schools and we endeavour to ensure that, if a child wants to, they will have the chance to represent the school in a sport. The children learn that taking part is more important than winning, individual talents and sporting attitudes are encouraged. These include the acceptance of responsibility, loyalty and cooperation, determination, tolerance and the enjoyment of success as well as simply taking part.
Together with other subjects, PE helps to prepare pupils for adult life and contributes to the development of a wide range of physical, personal, social, learning and thinking skills. Opportunities also exist in PE for pupils to progressively be given more responsibility to plan, lead and organise events. At Cherrywood, Year 6 Sports Leaders actively take part in engaging KS1 children during lunchtimes in their various sporting events. This helps the children to develop positive attitudes, which lead to success.
To further develop progression and participation in P.E, Cherrywood pupils are given the opportunity to learn a wide range of sport based skills during lunchtimes and in after school clubs. There is a wide variety of clubs on offer.
We ensure that children leave Cherrywood having been introduced to a range of sports and are ready to live a healthy and sporting life. Children will become physically confident in a way, which supports their health fitness and well-being for the future.