
Cherrywood Community Primary School


For the end of term, we rounded off all of our excellent writing with a poem. This was based on the trailer for the 2014 Winter Olympics. We wrote our own poems in the same style but based around the fog. Please enjoy Kittie's version below. Here is a link to the original:

The Dreadful Hazard by Kittie - Thorne

We have written letters in character as Ernest Shackleton to the Master Shipbuilder of The Endurance. We hope you enjoy our use of historical language. This letter was written by Sean.

As part of our Survival topic, we learnt about the amazing feats of Ernest Shackleton and his men. After reading the book Ice Trap,  we imagined ourselves in role as frostbite attacking the poor, vulnerable crew. Here is an example of the type of speeches that we wrote.  