When you click on your classroom banner, the stream is the first thing you will see, it is the homepage for your class. Every member of the class has access to the stream as well as the class teachers.
The stream is where you can see posts from your teachers. These are shown in chronological order. Posts may contain links to websites, assignments set by your teacher, or communications between all the members of the class.
!! Posts are always monitored by your teacher, as well as any comments made by you or other pupils in your class. You should only post in the stream if you are asking a question about your work or responding sensibly to a post.
Here is a PC screenshot of a Year 2 Classroom
A | This is the menu of classes where you can switch between classes. | F | Click this to view your classwork |
B | This is the current class you are viewing | G | Click here to view the members of your class - pupils and teachers |
C | This is the Google app directory | H | This shows any assignments that have a due date |
D | This is your account | I | This is an assignment which has been set by your teacher |
E | Click this to view the stream (default) | J | This is a post from your teacher. You can add a public comment here. |