
Cherrywood Community Primary School

Sport Premium


Here at Cherrywood we are committed to increasing the physical activity and sporting opportunities for all of our children and this is supported through our extensive school grounds.  The school receives an annual Sports Premium from the Government which assists us in achieving this.  Each year the school writes a plan setting targets and how the premium will be used to achieve them.  The impact of this plan is then reviewed termly by the Headteacher, PE Leader and PE Link Governor, taking into account information collected through a range of methods including pupil conferencing and parent questionnaires.   

Our aim is to ensure that this funding leads to improvements that are sustainable.  A focus for us has been ensuring that the subject knowledge of teachers is high.  This has led to an improved quality of education, and skills within our team that can be disseminated to other staff members.  As a school we are continually raising the profile of physical activity, due to its many positive contributions to education, health and well-being.  By developing a positive ethos in this way we believe that improvements made will be built upon and sustained.     


Government guidance on the use of this funding can be found by following this link.  


Sport Premium Spending Plan

Sport Premium Plan Review
