Transition Events - Starting in the Summer Term
New Parent Information Evening
This event is held in May and will outline the details and purpose of our transition events. You will be able to meet Mrs Lewis (Headteacher), Miss Guest (Deputy Headteacher), Mrs Gabbott (Family Support Worker), Mrs White (Reception Classteacher), Mrs Snook (The School Cook) and the Admin Team. Mrs White will be talking to you about the process of transition, what life in reception class will look like and what you can do with your child during the Summer term to prepare. The children are also welcome to attend, as our staff provide play opportunities in the classroom where they can meet and get to know other children that will be in their class in September.
Pre-School Setting Visits
Mrs White will visit your child in their pre-school and talk to their key worker. They will discuss your child’s interests, friendships, areas of strength and next steps; this helps to plan the first few weeks of term.
“Stay and play” sessions at Cherrywood
Stay and play sessions are a great chance for the children to meet some of their class mates and start getting to know their classroom environment. As well as joining in with these activities, parents will also get the opportunity to meet other staff members and have any questions answered.
Home Visits
Before starting school Mrs White and Mrs Gabbott will arrange to come and meet you and your child at home. We usually ask to take a picture of them with their favourite toy, so that on their first day in school they see their picture displayed on the wall and feel a sense of belonging. Home visits are valuable for us to get to know your child as best as we can, to help settle them into school. It is also another opportunity for you to ask us any questions.
Development Concerns
If you have concerns about your child’s particular needs e.g. speech and language or physical development, you can discuss these with Mrs White and Miss Guest so that guidance on how to support your child leading up to starting school can be given.
Ideally all children are toilet trained before starting school in September. If your child is still wearing nappies or is still not fully toilet trained, including wiping after going to the toilet, this is something you can work on in preparation for them starting school. Please contact us if you need support with this.