
Cherrywood Community Primary School

Class blog

Class of 2024-2025

Previous learning

RSHE Day 9.6.23

Spring 2 - Online Safety Day


Our challenge was to find out if we could make different shapes, sizes and colours of bubbles. We made all sorts bubbles!

Online Safety - Spring 1

 For Online Safety Day we talked about the different ways we can access the internet and how to keep safe when going online. 

RSHE Day - Spring 1 - 2023

For RSHE day investigated the following question - 


Who helps us?


Ash Class had lots of ideas about who helps us, this included at school, at home and out and about. We are currently learning about the emergency services so the children were able to talk a lot about how the police service helps us. 

Here is a little snapshot of all the ideas that the children had. 

Online Safety - Autumn 2

For Online Safety Day we talked about two questions - 

How do people communicate?

How do we show respect when we communicate?

We discussed all the different ways we can communicate with people:

We use this (BSL sign) when you want to go to the toilet - Theo

We can point to what we want - Persephone

We also talked about how we can be respectful to everyone. 


Church of the Good Shepherd Visit - 29.11.22



This week we went on a local visit to The Church of the Good Shepherd where we were treated to some great stories about the importance of the angels, Mary and the stars in the Christmas Story. We also took part in some fun activities. 

The children made me very proud of how polite, sensible and respectful they were.

RSHE Day - Our big question this term is "How can we be healthy?"

We talked about how it is really important to eat a wide range of food which includes lots of different coloured fruit and vegetables and to get plenty of exercise. The children could tell me at various points in the day when they were doing any exercise (which we do a lot of when we are outside!) and could tell me what affect the exercise had on their bodies. We ate healthy fruit and milk for snack time and we also discussed how important it is to find ways to make us happy when we're feeling blue. We also enjoyed this book by Mike Henson. 


Online Safety

This term we spent a little time learning about Self-Image and Identity in order to prepare us for learning about Online Safety. 

First we talked about identifying a range of emotions using the colour monsters, then we focused on why it is important to say no when someone asks me to do something I don’t want to do by watching the NSPCC Pantosaurus campaign.


Gardening Day - Wednesday 28th September 2022

Today we pulled all of the weeds out of the planting bed ready to re-plant our own flowers and vegetables. We found lots of worms! We talked about all the parts of the plants and enjoyed finding the roots when we pulled the weeds out of the ground. We planted lots of seeds and tomorrow we will be making labels for them.
We talked about what plants need to grow.
We also looked at some tomatoes, we squished them with a spoon to see the seeds and some of us tasted them.
We have had a great day!

Class of 2021 - 2022

There is no such thing as a Gruffalo!

We went to see the Gruffalo in the theatre! 

Climate Change Art Project 

This week has been all about art! Ash Class have been very busy making globes that we are excited to display at Southampton Art Gallery later on in the term. We started by using paper mache to make our globe and half globe shape. We then painted the land and sea and added everything we wish to see on a perfect earth. We talked about the importance of looking after our planet and then made the animals and flowers we wanted to protect. We also did some fantastic writing about climate change and made our own slogans to share!

Church of the Good Shepherd visit

For our Easter RE topic this term we have been learning all about how Christians celebrate Easter. As part of this topic, we visited the Church of the Good Shepherd. We loved walking to the church, making sure we were being really safe on the paths and staying away from any danger. When we arrived at the church we learnt about all the different parts of the Easter story and did some fun activities such as: colouring and eating Easter eggs, designing a palm leaf, hammering nails into wood and trying bread and grapes.  


This week we have been learning to ride a pedal bike! We started off with balance bikes at the beginning of the week to get our balance, then moved onto pedal bikes once we got going. Most of us were confident riding the pedal bike by the end of the week and also able to control the bike in and out of cones, riding one handed and using our brakes. 

Our trip to Wellington Country Park

We absolutely loved our day out at Wellington Country Park! We were very excited about riding in the minibus and kept a look out for any interesting things we could see out of the window on our way. When we got to the park, we were pond detectives and went fishing in the big lake. We put everything we found into a tray so we could examine it further and learn about all the little creatures we had found. Next we had lots of fun playing on the pirate ship, in the sandpit and all the play areas. We enjoyed a ride on the train and then went on a dinosaur and fairy hunt. 

Sports relief week

Ash Class have been keeping very active this week! We have done a daily mile around the school field, we put on a "PE Showcase" for our parents and we finished with a sports day full of fun activities. We have loved this week! 


We have been learning about the story Goldilock's and The Three Bears. We started our topic off by making some porridge! We read and followed the instructions carefully and then had lots of discussions about whether we liked or disliked the porridge. One of the children had the brilliant idea of leaving some porridge out for The Three Bears. 


When we came into school the next morning Baby Bear's porridge had GONE! There was also a big mess in The Three Bears Cottage. Bed's slept in and chairs broken. We created mind maps full of clues and wrote letters to Goldilocks telling her how to be kinder to the bears. 

When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears

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We made our own emergency service vehicles!

Who's been in our classroom?!

This morning we started our Spring 1 topic "People Who Help Us"

When we came back after the holiday, someone had wrecked our classroom! Everything was turned upside down and there was a big mess. We searched for clues and found a hat, dress, belt, stripy socks, a broom and a cauldron. We wrote all the clues down on some paper and made wanted posters. We then had a visit from some real police officers to help us solve the mystery. They taught us what police officers do and we learnt all about their role in the community. 

Diwali 2021

This week we have been learning about Diwali. We started the week off by looking at Rangoli patterns. We looked at non-fiction books and researched them on the internet. We had a go at colouring Rangoli patterns using pens, pencils, crayons and made some electronically on the interactive whiteboard too. We then decided to make our own patterns on the floor outside because we found out that's what people do when they celebrate Diwali.

We made some colourful window decorations to decorate the classroom ready for a mini Diwali celebration where we dressed up in traditional clothes and listened to Diwali music. We watched dances people do like Bollywood and had a go at copying some of the moves. We tried really hard to dance in time to the music and respond with moves that matched what we could hear.

We have really loved celebrating Diwali this week!

Colour mixing

This week we have loved colour mixing! We came into school and there was blue water in the tray. We wanted to experiment and add another colour to see how the colour would change. The next day we did our own colour mixing using pipettes and coloured water. We started to remember what colours we needed to mix together to make our favourite colours. To finish our week of colour mixing we decided to get the paints out and create our own colours by mixing the prime colours together. 

We found a friend!

This afternoon we pulled all of the weeds out of the planting bed ready to re-plant our own flowers and vegetables. When we took the sunflowers out, we pulled all of the seeds from each flower so we could re-use them. On one of the leaves we found a green caterpillar. We got our magnifying glasses out to take a closer look and talked about what we could see. We watched a video all about how caterpillars turn into butterflies. We then brought him into the classroom so we could draw him. At putty time, we made caterpillars with our putty. At the end of the day we thought carefully about a nice place to put the caterpillar and we decided somewhere with lots of leaves. We took him to the allotment and said goodbye. We hope he visits us one day when he is a butterfly.

We have settled so well into school.

Class of 2020 - 2021

All about growing!


This term we are learning all about growing. We have been busy in our outdoor garden, pulling out the old weeds and laying down some new compost. We then planted some sunflower seeds and are excited to watch them grow! We have been learning all about what plants need to grow so we know we need to water them every day. We have also been looking at the growth of some cress so we can see what happens to the roots at the bottom. 


Learning to ride!

This week in Ash Class we have been learning to ride a bike. We started off with balance bikes and then progressed to pedal bikes. We have learnt how to control our speed, steer around obstacles, use the brakes to stop, and lots more. We have also talked about road safety and keeping safe whilst out and about. 

Cherrywood book day!

We had a really exciting day in Ash Class today for our "Cherrywood Book Day"

We started the day by reading the story "I don't like snakes" and the children picked up so many facts about snakes! We decided to make a video to show the rest of the school and our families at home what we learnt - please see our video below!

We then had an exciting video call where we were shown different reptiles and learnt all about them. The children enjoyed watching him on the screen and some had a go at drawing and labelling what they had seen.

In the afternoon we enjoyed the beautiful weather and chose some books to read and then had our story time outside.

Cherrywood book day - Our video all about snakes :)

Still image for this video

Cherrywood book day!

Someone has been in our classroom!


We were very excited to discover that someone had been in our classroom this morning! We found golden eggs, magic beans and big footprints. We wrote letters to Mrs Lewis to tell her what we had found. In maths we measured the footprints using cubes and compared their size. We are really excited for our Jack and the Beanstalk topic now!  

Ash Class Wish you a very Merry Christmas :)

Still image for this video

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

The children thoroughly enjoyed decorating the Christmas tree and helping to make a Christmas post office so they can write all their letters and cards leading up to Christmas.


The next day, a special visitor arrived in Ash Class! Buddy the elf appeared with a note to say Santa had sent him from the North Pole to check they are all being good. Buddy has a special door in the classroom that he uses to take all the children's letters and cards up to Santa. 


The children have already produced lots and lots of cards and letters!

E-Safety Day 2020


Today was E-Safety day. We started off the day thinking and talking about different emotions and how they made us feel. We looked at pictures of people to try and work out how they were feeling, and explored lots of different faces ourselves. We drew out how it would look if we were sad/happy/excited or worried. 


We then talked about the internet and staying safe when we are online. We know that if something pops up that we don't like we must always tell an adult straight away. We also talked about saying no if someone asks us to do something that we don't like and we had a go at acting some of these scenarios out. 


We also thought about what makes a good conversation and learnt that we must always face the person we are talking to and show we are listening by looking at them and responding correctly. 

We have settled into school so well!
