Year 4 have had a week full of excitement! On Tuesday the girls from Oak Class visited Edgeborough School to take part in a forensics STEM day. We investigated: fingerprints, blood splatters, hair samples, cracked codes and matched pen samples using chromatography to determine who had stolen the cookies from the staff room. The boys had their own day of excitement by designing and building their own catapults to launch paper balls the furthest. All children showed a great amount of resilience and learnt a lot of new skills.
On Wednesday we took a trip to London. We were lucky to have a guided tour of all of the main landmarks in central London. We took a walk to Buckingham Palace, where the flag was flying high and we tried to catch a glimpse of the King at the window. We found out lots of facts about the different buildings as we whizzed through the streets and got to go over both London and Tower Bridge. It was a day full of wonder and curiosity at the many sights we managed to fit in!