What an exciting morning we had at Cherrywood School today! We invited lots of volunteers in to school to talk about their jobs, how they got them and what learning they need to do them. Every child had the opportunity to visit 3 different people and hear about their jobs; from Food Safety Manager to Marine Biologist and RAF Pilot to IT Software Engineer. Why not ask your child who they visited today and what they learned?
STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. We held a STEM Day to combine all of these subjects together to help the children learn how they can be applied in real life. Our theme was FLIGHT and we started our day with an amazing assembly, which included a talk from a STEM Ambassador called Jo. Jo told us all about her career in engineering, including her experiences as a passenger in a fast jet and her work designing and engineering the cockpits in Tornados for the RAF.
We then set each year group a challenge to make different types of flying machines.
In Reception they made bubbles.
The children in KS1 made balloon rockets and kites.
In Year 3 and 4 children made parachutes and aeroplanes.
Years 5 and 6 made rockets and helicopters.
The children were encouraged to think big and experiment with different materials, sizes and shapes to create the perfect flying machines and learn more about the STEM subjects along the way.
Enthusiastically led by the school's Value Leaders, our Year 6 class ensured that all of the pupils had an amazing lunchtime on Thursday 19th January.
This lunchtime was special as it was a school team effort to have as many children as possible eating a school meal. Staff and parents worked together to encourage children to join in and we succeeded in having 159 children, out of 170, eating a meal.
With a democratic vote the children selected the three lunch options that they wanted available. Mrs Snook the school cook was happy to oblige and make changes to her menu plans.
Value Leaders worked tirelessly during their breaktimes to create advertising materials, table centre pieces and a range of quizzes and challenges for completing on the day.
All Year 6 children then selected a class to support. They ate lunch with them, modelling good table manners and conversation. They also supported them in completing the challenges. The hall was a hum of excited lunchtime chatter with background music, and staff members eating lunch along side them, as requested by the children.
All children who had a school meal were able to take part in a special raffle. This allowed them to make a request for a school meal that Mrs Snook does not normally provide. The winning ticket requested Ramen and Mrs Snook will be making arrangements to offer this as a choice in the future.
Coffee morning run by our Local Community Police Officers - December 2022
We were really pleased to be joined by our Community Police Officers who gave our parents the opportunity to put forward any concerns or questions they had about living in our local community. Gordon spoke about how best to keep safe whilst out and about, how to protect our properties and contact numbers/websites to access if ever support was needed.
Coffee morning- November 2022
Our fortnightly coffee mornings continue to be a big success.
Recently we welcomed some of our school Governors who introduced themselves to our parents, talked about their roles and many different aspects of school life.
Each class made some wonderful food using ingredients sourced from all over the world.
These were shared at our Harvest supper where parents and children were invited to buy the food and enjoy sharing it together. We had an amazing attendance at the event and it was enjoyed by all.