
Cherrywood Community Primary School

Individual Liberty

Individual Liberty 


Individual liberty means each of us having the freedom to make our own choices and do what we want, within reason. We must respect the other British values and the rights of others, then we are free to pursue our ambitions, and follow our own will. 


Examples of individual liberty include:

- The right to free speech

- The right to vote for who or what we want 

- The right to travel the world freely 

- The right to spend time with whomever we choose


Many of these individual liberty rights are taken for granted today, however, they didn’t always exist and had to be fought for, for example, women had to fight for their right to vote.


It is also import to consider our school values within this. For example, you have freedom of speech but it is important that this is not used to disrespect or harm others. 



Individual Liberty at Cherrywood

Dress to Express 

During mental health week we have a day dedicated to expressing ourselves through what we wear. This allowed us to show individual liberty in our clothing. What children and adults wore varied, children wore there favourite colour, print from their favourite animals, outfits to depict their favourite music, it was great to see everyone expressing themselves through what they wore. 

