At Cherrywood, our high-quality music education aims to engage and inspire pupils to develop a love and enjoyment of music.
We offer performance opportunities both in school and outside school where we aim to raise children’s confidence and self-esteem. Children at Cherrywood are proud of their achievements and enjoy performing to their families, as well as the wider community.
The music curriculum at Cherrywood is arranged into different elements where they are able to perform, compose and appraise. During lessons, children have the opportunity to perform, listen to, review and evaluate not only their own music but music from other genres and historical periods. They look at different styles and traditions and become experts in discussing and comparing different types of music.
Children are taught about the different dimensions: pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture and structure every year and are able to talk about music in depth. In addition, children are taught notation where they begin to read music in various ways themselves.
Children learn to sing and use their voices to create and compose music on their own and with their peers. They have a singing assembly every week and also learn to sing a variety of songs throughout most units of work in class. Children are always given the opportunity to perform songs they have learnt to their families during class assemblies.
During Year 4, every child has the opportunity to learn 3 different instruments across the year. They receive this tuition from specialist teachers and are able to perform to their parents at the end of each term. In addition, children have the opportunity to be part of the school choir, performing at in-school events as well as various community events outside school.
Music is an integral part of daily life at Cherrywood, within the classroom and beyond. Its positive effects upon the well-being of pupils is both recognised and celebrated.