
Cherrywood Community Primary School


Tuesday 5th November 

After a hearty breakfast, we took part in two morning activities then lunch before a further two activities. Here is our diary of the day:


Morning Activities – Buggy building and Zip Wire

We woke up at 6:50am and after breakfast joined Charlie for our buggy building. We took barrels and different sized logs and tied them together using X knots. Once built, we used ropes as brakes and then pulled it up the hill. Then other people were the engine and had to push it whilst two people rode it. We used teamwork and communicated to say when to go and when to stop, it was like really riding a car and it was good to use resources that we found everywhere.

By Daisy, Destiny and Nothando. 

We then went to the zip wire and we had to wear our harnesses and helmets. Charlie checked that they were really tight and safe. After that each of us had a turn to go on the zip wire. It was kind of scary but we showed resilience and gave it a go. 
By Nothando


Afternoon Activities – Tunnel Trail and Trapeze

The tunnel trail was a place where there were big and little tunnels in the ground. Tom made us all go into the tunnels and find a light switch - that didn’t exist! We also had to go into the tunnels and find out which ones led to others. And where they came out. 
By Destiny


The trapeze was a really fun experience. A woman called Grace was our instructor and she made us put on some harnesses and she attached us to a rope and people had to pull it to take us to the top. When we got to the top it was really high and we had to jump off and hit a buoy in any way we wanted and then we were lowered down.

By Daisy

Evening Activity

After a day outside, a hearty evening meal was waiting for us. Then we had some free time to play basketball before our evening Arts and Crafts activities.


We each painted and decorated a rock and our very own water bottles, which we look forward to using back at Cherrywood!

We were all exhausted after a full day, so it was back to the rooms, shower and bedtime!
