This week, children in Chestnut Class had the opportunity to show their parents the work they did over the term. Many parents attended and appreciated the effort and the quality of the work on show. Here are some pictures of the morning.
Early in October, children had the opportunity to put their learning into practice while visiting the Gilbert White Centre in Selborne. During the visit, children enjoyed using a map to find clues around the centre's beautiful gardens; looked at a range of habitats around the site; as well as completing a zig-zag book with the summary of what they had seen during the day. It was a fun day!
This term, children have been learning about natural art focusing on the work of Andy Goldsworthy. For their inspiration, children visited the outdoors to explore nature and its beauty. They also learnt how to do some tree-bark rubbings and left some pieces of artwork for others to find (nature-tagging).
During the autumn, children walked to The Church of the Good Shepherd to learn more about Harvest. Children sang songs, watched videos, visited the Church's larder (food bank) and made some beautiful Harvest Wreaths.
In the first half of the autumn term, children joined in discussions and games to understand what was special about themselves, whilst focusing on Self-Image and Identify.
Children played 'Friendship Alley' and as they went through a human alley they heard nice things about themselves. Everybody had a go!
The main topic this term was 'Who is special to us?'. Children joined in during discussions to share their ideas on how to make someone feel special as well as identifying special people in their lives. They talked about how being kind towards other people as well as showing respect are important factors in making someone feel special.