
Cherrywood Community Primary School


At Cherrywood we develop a love for Art by motivating and challenging children through our carefully sequenced curriculum. By equipping children with the knowledge and skills to participate in, experiment with, invent and create their own works of art, they are given opportunities to increase their cultural capital. Children take inspiration from a range of artists and designers and are able to confidently critique their own work and use it to build resilience and a love for the subject. 

Our aim is for all of our children to become deeply engaged in this subject by giving them regular opportunities to experience a diverse range of visual art, and actively explore and invent using media and materials, with enjoyment, confidence and developing mastery. Cherrywood’s Art curriculum is underpinned by the following threads; drawing, painting and sculpture. Through these concepts, children develop and build upon key skills throughout their journey through school. We believe Art and design is an essential and integral part of our children’s education and entitlement to a balanced curriculum. We value every child as a creative learner from when they start with us in EYFS, to when they leave at the end of KS2.






Year R

Basic skills pencils, scissors PD.

Self portraits


Places around school

Diwali lamps

Fairytale castle

Life cycles (natural)



Finger prints colour mixing

Year 1

Teddy bears – exploring lines, tone, patterns

Bridget Riley

Natural Art – 3D, shapes, carving.

Andrew Goldsworthy

Seascape – tints, tones, primary and


Year 2

Local environment - exploring lines, tone, patterns

Paul Nash

Houses – clay, techniques rolling, moulding, carving.


Painting the Galaxy-

Wassily Kandinsky

Year 3

Cave drawing – charcoal, pastels – shading, simple perspective.

Grayson Perry

Roman masks – clay/painting

Thomas Houseago

Painting the Weather – Brush techniques, primary/secondary colour/hues/texture

Katsushika Hokusai

Year 4

European landmarks – perspective, using different pencils

Stephen Wiltshire

Mayan masks - Wire covered in material and painted. Making armatures.

Robin Wight

Pop Art Viking shields – Tones expressing mood

Andy Warhol

Year 5

Rainforest – pastels – dark/light

Abel Rodriguez

Abstract inventions – armature and clay.

Barbara Hepworth

Egyptian Head dress – different techniques, patterns, texture and tone.

Aala Awad

Year 6

Plants – lines, tone and printing

William Morris

Greek Vases – papier mache/Mixed media their choice.

V&A museum for research.

Hear my Voice – mood and personal style

Pablo Picasso
